Returns and Refunds

5-Day Return/Exchange Guarantee5-Day Return/Exchange Guarantee is a special after-sales service (including the service itself and the technical support) offered to customers by sellers on third-party platforms. Within 7 days after the product is signed (i.e. within 5 days after the product is stocked in the warehouse), the buyer can return/exchange the purchased product based on this rule and associated rules released by third-party platforms.

Is the product is eligible for Return/Exchange Guarantee?

Unavailable Type

Custom-made;Products whose packaging,tags,accessories have been removed upon user request;Newspaper,Periodicals;Second-hand products;Products from outside the Chinese mainland;Undergarments;Adult products;Others stipulated by the seller;Food;Books;Opened products that are required to meet “Special Standards” for return packing.

After-Sales Service:After receiving your request, we will negotiate with the seller for return/exchange, but the final result is subject to the seller’s decision.

Available Type

When the product meets all of the following requirements:

1.  is offered guaranteed returns by the seller;

2.  is in a re-salable condition as   required by the seller;

3.  has been stocked in the warehouse for no more than 5   days.

For products with the free shipping offer, you will be responsible for the shipping fee when returning the product. For products without the free shipping offer, you will be responsible for both shipping fees when the sellers ship the product to our warehouse and when you return the product to the seller.

After-Sales ServiceFor return/exchange request submitted within 5 days after stock-in, we will proceed per standard procedure.

How to Request Return/Exchange Service

Within 5 days after the order status is changed to “Stocked in”, you can request return/exchange service on your page. The request might not be accepted after the time expires.


Unconditional return/exchange fee = Shipping cost to the seller + Shipping cost from the seller + Return/Exchange service fee(Free service fee for a limited time)

Return/Exchange service fee

Normal users are exempt from the Service Fee for the first return /exchange operation in each calendar month. 

0 to 1 time


2 to 5 time
6 to 9 time
Over 10 time

How to determine who is responsible for the return/exchange of the product (me, the seller or other parties)

Responsible Party


Related Cases


the customer

I Don’t want the product anymore

Client A requests the guaranteed return/exchange service for personal reasons

Every month,our users are free of charge for the first return, the first exchange. If the number of times is exceeded, the "return/exchange service fee" will be charged according to the latest announcementstardard:

for example:
Regarding the return, for the 2nd return in the month, the customer needs to pay the fee = the freight sent by the seller + the freight sent to the seller + the service fee of 5 yuan, the 6th return in the month, the customer needs to pay the cost = the freight sent by the seller + sent to Seller's shipping + service fee 10 yuan

Regarding the exchange, for the second exchange in the month, the customer needs to pay the fee = the freight sent by the seller + the freight sent to the seller + the service fee of 10 yuan, the sixth exchange in the month, the customer needs to pay the cost = the freight sent by the seller + Shipping to the seller + service fee of 20 yuan.

Customers do not need to bear the cost of return and exchange due to non-customer reasons. For example, the seller sent the wrong product, and the product was found to have obvious quality problems (damage) when it was put into the warehouse, and the express delivery caused the product to be damaged.

I Purchased the wrong product/extra product

Client B requests the guaranteed return/exchange service for personal reasons.

Shipping fee is way over my budget.

Client C requests the guaranteed return/exchange service as the international shipping fee is much higher than his budget

The seller thinks the product has no quality issue

Client D thinks that the product is different from what the photo shows and requests the guaranteed return/exchange service. After verifying with the seller, it is concluded the product has no quality issue

The seller

The seller shipped the wrong product.

The seller ships the wrong product due to his own negligence and the received product is different from what was ordered. For example, the color or size of the product is different from what the client ordered

Quality issues

The product has quality issues. For example, holes, and stains.


The product is damaged during the domestic transportation

The product purchased by the client is already damaged when arriving at the warehouse due to the domestic transportation


1. The refund/exchange total is based on the product price that you actually paid

2. We can only return/exchange the product for you when the seller agrees

3. Please make sure that there is enough balance in your account after requesting the return/exchange service so you can pay for the return shipping and service fee.

4. Please refer to the table below for the return packaging requirements of certain products. you will not be able to return/exchange the product when the requirement is not met.

Special Standards

Product Category

Special Standards

New Sneakers

Anti-theft clasp (if anyif any) and the anti-damage sticker has not been cut/removed, and are fully functional.

Detergent/ Tampon/ Paper/ Fragrance

The one-time sealing packaging (if any) of the personal care products must remain sealed.

Hair Care/ Wig

The one-time sealing packaging (if any) of the hair care products must remain sealed.

Skin Care/ Body Care/ Essential Oil

The one-time sealing packaging (if any) of the products must remain sealed

Cosmetics/ Perfume/ Beauty Tools

The one-time sealing packaging (if any) of the products must remain sealed

Digital Products/ Home Appliances (Excluding cameras and large home appliances)

1. The internet access permit is not damaged (destroyed).

2. There is no water damage.

Digital Camera/SLR Camera/Camera

The shutter of SLR cameras are not pressed more than 20 times.

Large Home Appliances

1. LCD TV and air conditioner: has not been installed to the wall. Simple debugging is allowed.

2. Washing machine: has not been used with water.

Models/ Anime Products/ Anime-Related Peripherals/ Cosplay Products/ Board Games

The tapes and plastic seals (when there is any) on products like models, figures, soldier figures, BJD cannot be removed.

Electronic Components

1. No welding operation.

2. The integrated circuits have never been installed on any IC base.

3. The one-time sealing packaging of consumables like thermal silicon grease/thermal paste, electronic glue/ encapsulating glue/ sealant/ adhesive, conductive glue, and conductive ink must remain sealed.

Level II Category “Game Software” under Level I Category "Video Game/ Accessories/ Games/ Game Guide "

The one-time sealing packaging (if any) of the products must remain sealed

Pet Foods, Health Products, and Drugs under Level I Category "Pets/Pet Foods and Supplies"

The one-time sealing packaging (if any) of the products must remain sealed

Books/ Magazines

1. The one-time sealing packaging (if any) of the products must remain sealed

2. There are no traces of folding, water stains, stains, ink, and traces left by reading on the product.

Level II Category "Animal Health Products/Veterinary Drugs" under Level I Category "Ranching/ Farm Products"

The one-time sealing packaging (if any) of the products must remain sealed

The one-time sealing packaging (if any) of the products like food (including supplements), cosmetics, medical devices, contraceptives, personal care supplies, adult supplies, baby diapers, books, and audio-visual products must remain sealed.

“Sealed” refers to: The seals or the plastic wrap on the packaging of the product applied by the manufacturers.


1. What to do when there is an after-sales problem with an order that is ineligible for the “return/exchange guarantee”?

When there is a quality issue with the product, HubbuyCN will verify with the seller based on the actual situation. We will figure out the final solution and notify the user. If the product has no quality issue, the return/exchange service will be unavailable based on the rules from the third-party platform. HubbuyCN will try to communicate with the seller and protect the user’s rights.

2. Who will be responsible for the shipping fee when using the “ return/exchange guarantee”?

The product must be new and meet the resell requirement before requesting the return/exchange service. If the product has no quality issue, the user will be responsible for the shipping fees. If there is a quality issue with the problem, the seller will be responsible for the shipping fees after the user submits the request.

3. Will there be any charges if I request the return service when the order status is “not shipped”?

Don’t worry, in this case, there will be no charge. You will only be charged when the return/exchange request meets the three conditions: First, the product has no quality issues. Second, the product is already stocked in the warehouse. Third, you have used up the free returns/exchanges allowed for this month. So, when a product is not shipped yet, we will not charge you any fee.

4.How does the system calculate the remaining free returns/exchanges?

The shopping agent will process your request after receiving your return/exchange request. When the order status shows “Return”, the system will deduct the times from your remaining free returns/exchanges. If you submit return requests for multiple orders at the same time, the remaining free services might not be updated on time due to the delay of the interface and the final result is subject to HubbuyCN’s record and billing.

5.If the seller offers free shipping and the shipping insurance, do I still need to pay for the shipping (seller shipped the product to you when you purchased the product) when returning a product?

For the shipping insurance, the compensation from the insurance company is determined by the rate of product return and our sourcing account has a high rate of product return. It is possible that the insurance company will decline the claim so the shipping insurance may not work. Also, for products with free shipping, the seller paid for the shipping when shipping the product to the warehouse, and you will have to pay the seller back if you request the return/exchange service. For that reason, you will pay for the two-way shipping fees when you request the return/exchange service.

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