How long can the goods be stored in HubbuyCN warehouse?

1. The normal package storage period for purchasing and transshipment is 90 days, starting from the order status "in storage", after 60 days, an email will be sent to remind the user to submit the package waybill. If you still have not submitted a parcel delivery order or offered no feedback after 90 days, the items will be automatically deemed abandoned and processed as overdue.

2. Abnormal packages (i.e. the case where the order is not submitted or the logistics information is not completed after signing for the package) is 60 days, and it starts to count from the order status "Signed for". Since such packages cannot match the relevant orders and users, it is impossible to Make a reminder that overdue HubbuyCN will be deemed to be abandoned and destroyed.

Relevant details:

1. During the storage period, HubbuyCN is responsible for the storage of the goods and assumes corresponding responsibilities, but the shelf life of the goods is not within the scope of storage (for example, the shelf life of perishable items is only 1 month).

2. There will be no more prompts and notices for destroyed commodities.

In order to avoid the destruction of the goods, please submit the package waybill in time within the validity period of storage, thank you for your cooperation and understanding!

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